| Parent Teacher Association |
Al Falah DPS firmly believes that one of the key elements in a child's academic and social progress and his overall well-being is clear and regular communication between the home and school. Regular review of students' notebooks and a daily check on the homework diaries of the children by parents are the most rudimentary and effective tools of primary communication, and we, at the school encourage parents to use these means widely. The comments of teachers regarding the correction of children's work and brief explanatory notes in their homework diaries should serve to apprise parents of their wards' academic status on a day-to-day basis. Teachers are also expected to keep parents regularly informed by telephone directly as and when required. Parents will also get the opportunity to obtain detailed feedback from all the subject teachers who teach their children at the Parent Teacher Consultation Evenings that will be scheduled approximately mid-way through an academic term, and twice during the entire academic session. In case of a special concern arising from any aspect of the child's school life that the school deems necessary to communicate to parents, a meeting with the latter will be set up through prior appointment and with the approval of the Principal/Director. On the other hand, parents are also welcome to bring any such problem/concern to the notice of the management through a direct meeting with the subject teacher, class teacher or/and indeed even the Principal/Director with a prior appointment made through the office. In the best interest of the child, it is not advisable to defer or to ignore any issue that requires early intervention.
Al Falah DPS aims to optimise healthy interaction between the school and the parents, the key partners in a child's intellectual, social and moral development, through regular and continuous communication. The school will be electing representatives drawn from the parent body to the Parent-Teacher Association each year in order to facilitate this interaction smoothly and harmoniously.